A dear friend gave me the book "You Are Here. Poetry in The Natural World" as a gift, an incredible book edited and introduced by Ada Limón, 24th Port Laureate of the United States.
The poem that has captivated my attention the last few days is this one, and the reason why I haven't read it in my yoga class yet is because it makes me invariably cry, and I can't speak clearly and sob at the same time.
Reasons To Live
by Ruth Awad
Because if you can survive
the violet night, you can survive
the next, and the fig tree will ache
with sweetness for you in sunlight that arrives
first at your window, quietly pawing
even when you can’t stand it,
and you’ll heavy the whining floorboards
of the house you filled with animals
as hurt and lost as you, and the bearded irises will form
fully in their roots, their golden manes
swaying with the want of spring—
live, live, live, live!—
one day you’ll put your hands in the earth
and understand an afterlife isn’t promised,
but the spray of scorpion grass keeps growing,
and the dogs will sing their whole bodies
in praise of you, and the redbuds will lay
down their pink crowns, and the rivers
will set their stones and ribbons
at your door if only
you’ll let the world
soften you with its touching.

More about the book "You Are Here"
About Ruth Awad https://ruthawad.com/