This morning in class we had a conversation around "Spring Azures" by Mary Oliver, the poem I read, which made me think of a quote I love, by William Blake. Interesting how our mind works.
A student had a thought that passed by, which she couldn't recall, and of course that made me think of this great poem by Emily Dickinson (another fun poem about a thought, by the same author is "The Lost Thought"). She has an incredible ability to make me smile while I read this.
Here it is:
A Thought went up my mind today -
That I have had before -
But did not finish - some way back -
I could not fix the Year -
Nor Where it went - nor why it came
The second time to me -
Nor definitely what it was -
Have I the Art to say -
But somewhere - in my soul - I know -
I've met the Thing before -
It just reminded me - 'twas all -
And came my way no more.
Read "Spring Azures", by Mary Oliver
Read excerpt of "Auguries of Innocence", by William Blake

#emilydickinson #williamblake #athoughcameupmymindtoday #maryoliver #springazures #thelostthought #thoughts