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2 days ago1 min read
"The God Who Only Knows Four Words", by Hafiz
It has been really wonderful to spend more time reading the book "The Gift" by Hafiz . It nourishes my soul. Here is another poem: The...
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2 days ago1 min read
"Your Mother and My Mother", by Hafiz
Another poem from the book "The Gift", poems by Hafiz , translations by Daniel Ladinsky. YOUR MOTHER AND MY MOTHER Fear is the cheapest...
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6 days ago1 min read
"A Cushion For Your Head", by Hafiz
I have been reading the beautiful book "The Gift", poems by Hafiz , translation by Daniel Ladinsky. What a treat! This is a poem from...
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Dec 27, 20241 min read
Short Poems, by Hafiz
Here are some short poems from the book "The Gift", by Hafiz . NO CONFLICT No Conflict when the flute is playing For then I see every...
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May 4, 20241 min read
"The Sacred Dance for Life", by Hafiz
Last weekend I taught an intensive workshop at my beloved Imagine Yoga Studio, my home studio in Oregon. I was amazed to feel the...
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Nov 19, 20161 min read
"Awake Awhile", by Hafiz
Some years ago, during my Viniyoga Teacher Training, one of my teachers, Mirka Scalco Kraftsow, sang at the end of a practice part of...
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